Jumat, 24 September 2010
satu lagiiii tempat justin ber akting!!!! CSI (Crime Scene Investigation)! premiere nya tanggal 23 september di US yaaahitu film yang kereeen karena justin berperan menjadi cowok yang bernama JasonMCcan! nama itu jadi trending topic untuk beberapa jam! KEREN KAN?? so check this :)
justin bieber and jasmine villegas
omg! foto ini yang membuat heboh belieber di TWITTER! sebenarnya siiih mereka bilang ini foto mereka ciuman di belakang mobil sedan honda. dan alfredo yang menyetirnya. belieber mulai me nge tweeet "THAT"S SHOULD BE ME" dan ada beberapa belieber yang sampe nangis dan juga heboh (belieber indonesia jangan sedih ya ) soalnya ini bukan foto ciuman diaaaa loooh :) ini cuma foto justin dan jasmine yang lagi sembunya dari PAPARAZI! dan itu justin lagi bisikin jasmine. ahahaha so hoax jangan di percaya :) so belieber!! keep beliebing aand belive JUSTIN BIEBER love all his fans soalnya dia bilang semua fansnya itu pacarnya :)
Kamis, 23 September 2010
Bieber will come to sean concert? on indonesia (Hoax)
Hallo belieber indonesia :) pasti beberapa hari ini kalian di hebohkan dengan sebuah pernyataan sean kingston yang mengatakan, dia akan memberikan suprise saat konser di indonesia!" GUESS WHAT? all belieber indonesia panik setengah mati dan mikir itu justin bieber! mulai semua orang (maksudnya beliebers) nge spam justin dan sean kingston nanya itu siapa? beneran jb? and lainnya. yaaah banyak beliebers indonesia yang kecewa karena mereka ga bisa melihat idolanya! yaaaaah pada saat itu juga banyak orang yang nge boong dan menggunakan kesempatan itu ngebuat beliebers sedih " mereka bilang " aku ngeliat justin, aduh ganteng bangeet!" "aaaah dia tadi ngeliat ke arah gue" tapi sekali lagi itu cuma HOAX!! jangan percaya, sean kingstonnya sendiri udah ngomong ko bukan JUSTIN BIEBER! so BELIEBERS INDONESIA! jangan mau di bodohin ya :)
Senin, 20 September 2010
Indonesia Belieber must be on Trending Twitter
begini Indonesia Belieber biar kita bisa ada di trending topic kita harus kerja sama, terkadang banyak juga yang susah di ajak kerjasama, gini aja deeh biar kita bisa buat kaya brazil sama spain yang berhasil ngebuat te amo bieber on trending kita harus netapin trendingnya dulu biar semua orang nge tweetnya samaan ga ada yang beda. nge tweet nya mending #IndonesiawantsJustin #IndonesiacintaJustin atau #BieberforIndonesia aja. kalo kita serempak bikin kaya gitu, kemungkinan besar kalo kita nge Retweet eachother pasti bisa di trending. tapi sekali lagi jangan ada iri - irian ya, ini buat bersama ko bukan buat diri sendiri.makasih bangeeet yaa :) good luck indonesia BELIEBER!! JUSTIN BIEBER love u!
Jumat, 17 September 2010
Best New Artist on VMA (sing on VMA)
Justin bieber Sing on VMA!!! yaaaah cowok ini nyanyi u smile, somebody to love, dan Baby di vma, pertamaa dia turun dari mobil memakai jacket merah saat sampai di atas panggung dia melepas jacket dan membuangnya seorang penari membawakannya jacket yang bertuliskan bieber! "BIEBER" semua teriakan cewek-cewek yang ada disana mendengar artist tampan ini menyanyi di atas panggung sambil bermain drum juga. setelah itu, dia duduk bersama jaden smith saat acara inti. saat pembagian awards JUSTIN BIEBER memenangkan best new artist dia bilang "thanks for my family,friends and fans", . WOOOOW!!! u rock biebs!!! we love uuu!!!
Senin, 06 September 2010
justin bieber sing overboard with miley
justin bieber sing overboard on stage with miley cyrus! seharusnya bagian itu di isi oleh jesicca jarrel. tetapi miley menyanyi bagian jesica jarrel, yaah tentu saja banyak yang ga setuju dengan itu, karena mereka bilang seharusnya jesica jarrel. yaah memang tetap saja pelantun overboard adalah justin bieber ft jesicca jarrel. tetapi miley menyanyi kannya dengan bagus ko, yah hampir tak kalah dengan penyanyi aslinya :)
Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010
justin bieber konser! dan pada kali ini dia menyanyikan sebuah lagu OLLG (kalo belieber pasti tau singkatannya kan? ) dan yang gak di duga lagi ternyata seorang cewek keluar dari balik panggung dan duduk di kursi, justin memberikan bucket bunga mawar dan menyanyi untuk nyaa huaaah check this niiih :( : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDQD-9X15y0
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
10 daya tarik bieber
1. Sebelum terkenal, Justin kecil sudah mulai berkencan! Meskipun baru 13 tahun, dirinya sudah berkencan dengan 3 orang gadis, Caitlin Beadles, Alexandra, dan seorang lagi yang tidak mau disebutkan namanya. (Tidak heran Justin begitu 'berpengalaman' menangani fans wanitanya!)
2. Justin sangat menyukai sneakers, jaket bertudung, dan topi baseball. Cool! (Gaya ini yang disukai fansnya? Mungkin!)
3. Justin mengaku akan mengencani siapapun yang dicintainya, termasuk para fans (Kapan giliranku?)
4. Justin mahir berbahasa Prancis, bahasa paling romantis di dunia. (Hmm, Je't Aime, Justin!)
5. Walaupun sudah terkenal dan pernah berkunjung ke banyak tempat, makanan yang disukainya adalah spaghetti buatan neneknya (Satu poin lagi, sayang keluarga!)
6. GPA (nilai kelulusan/IPK) terakhir Justin adalah 4.0. (Sempurna!)
7. Bakat Justin tidak main-main, karena dirinya dulu adalah seorang penampil jalanan. Justin sering beraksi di depan teater di Stratford, Ontario, Kanada.
8. Justin suka terlihat tampan dan cool. Terbukti, dirinya sempat tidak suka foto dirinya yang menjadi cover majalah People. Pada foto ini, Justin sedang tertawa lebar, yang dikomentarinya 'Aku terlihat seperti orang gila'. (Satu poin lagi: percaya diri)
9. Justin berjalan di jalur yang berbeda dengan pada 'pendahulunya'. Jika Miley Cyrus dan Jonas Brothers berada di jalur pop, Justin memikat hati para produser dan bintang hip-hop, seperti Usher, Kanye West dan Justin Timberlake. (Cewek-cewek pasti mau yang 'unik')
10. Justin berada di jajaran 10 besar World's Sexiest Man, bersama aktor-aktor yang jauh lebih tua, termasuk Robert Pattinson , Taylor Lautner, Johnny Depp , Hayden Christensen, dan Channing Tatum. (Wow, brondong seksi!)
bieber on beach
omg! justin bieber hanya memakai baju renang saja! seperti yang kita tahu, sebelumnya bieber mau punya badan kaya taylor lautner, dan mungkin sekarang badan dia udah hampir mirip sama taylor lautner. otot-otot tangannya udah mulai kebentuk dan juga perutnya udah mulain mirip kaya taylor lautner! oh tidaaak cowok yang lebih hot dari matahari ini selalu bisa membuat fans - fans nya terpesona melihat dirinya.!
Bieber want beckham teach him about football
Angeles - Justin Bieber rupanya tertarik untuk bermain sepakbola, sehingga ia meminta David Beckham mengajarinya. Latihan itu jadi imbalan karena Bieber siap menyanyi di rumah Beckham.
Tiga anak Beckham, Brooklyn, Romeo dan Cruz, rupanya adalah penggemar Bieber. Menyadari hal tersebut, Bieber pun mengaku siap untuk menyanyi secara khusus buat tiga buah hati Beckham.
"Saya yakin dia (Beckham) akan melakukan apapun untuk membahagiakan tiga anak laki-lakinya. Karena saya artis favorit mereka, saya dengan senang hati akan datang dan menyanyi di rumah Beckham," kata Bieber seperti dikutip The Sun.
Tapi Bieber tidak benar-benar akan menyanyi dengan gratis. Penyanyi berusia 16 tahun itu ingin diajari sejurus-dua jurus cara bermain sepakbola dari mantan anggota timnas Inggris tersebut. "Yang saya minta cuma kami bisa ke halaman belakang rumahnya sejam kemudian dan dia mengajari saya hal-hal gila yang bisa ia lakukan dengan bola sepak," kata Bieber.
Bieber Fact!
Justin’s Cirle of Supporters:After meeting Justin, Cobra Starship’s Gabe said: “I back this kid on the real!”
Asher Roth says Justin is like his little brother.
Taylor Swift; dubbing him her ‘favourite boy’, Taylor told her fans to buy Justin’s album.
Demi Lovato loves Justin Bieber. “Ignoring people just to watch Justin Bieber videos”, she tweeted.
Jordin Sparks and Justin bonded backstage at a concert where they took “prom pics” together.
Usher; since signing him, he has become Justin’s mentor – and a really good friend.
Justin isn’t afraid of heights.
Justin chills during touch-ups, just before camera time.
Justin loves the magazine TWIST and J-14. When he saw one of the magazines with his face on it,
he couldnt believe it.
“I’ve never said I wanted to be famous, now I realise this is what I was meant to do.” – Justin said to TWIST magazine.
Justin has actually never had a crush during the holidays.
Before 2009, Justin’s mum was in geared-to-income and was only making about $11, 000 a year. She
didnt make a lot of money, but, to Justin, he was just fortunate enough to have a roof over their
heads. To him, he had everything he wanted.
Just being with his family for christmas used to be enough for Justin, but ever since last year
he’s been longing to add one more person to the mix: a girlfriend. Now, he thinks of all the
sweet things he’d love to do for a girl during the holidays, but for him, that doesn’t include
buying fancy gifts or going to the nicest restaurant – growing up without a lot of money taught
him that material things don’t mean much. He just wantes to find someone so they can heal each
other’s lonely hearts.
Justin has hope that his secret wish will be granted and he’ll find his angel in time to share Christmas and New Year’s with her. And he dreams that his crush will share his love of the snowy season, with plenty of picture-perfect outdoor dates and cups of hot chocolate.
“I’m from Canada, so I like playing in the snow.”
As he travels the US and Canada performing at concerts more, he is going to keep his eye out for that special girl
in a party dress who can sit side-by-side with him at his family’s christmas dinner.
His deepest wish is for there to be “One Less Lonely Girl” – and one less lonely boy – this holiday season (coming up).
Justin’s starsign is Pisces.
Justin’s secret hobby: He loves Skateboarding, even at the airport.
Justin loves giving.
He is looking for his dream girl.
He thinks fans should choose what their favourite song of his is.
In his opinion, his fans are the best!
Favourite girl celeb: Taylor Swift.
“She is the sweetest girl ever. She tells stories that actually happened. Her songs are amazing.”
Hidden Talent: “I can solve a Rubik’s cube in less than a minute”
First thing he notices about a crush: Her smile and eyes.
Nicest gift he’s ever given: “I took my mum on vacation to Florida.”
Favourite time of day: Night
Favourite TV show: Smallville
Celebrity Crush (es): Beyonce and Rihanna
Favourite Brand of Shoes: Supra
Favourite Brand of Toothpaste: Colgate
Most special fan gift: A set of dog tags.
Justin loves writing songs for girls
Justin likes to sightsee whenever he is in a new place.
Justin and his grandfather, Bruce Dale, have always been tight
“He helped me out a lot growing up”
A tragedy that changed his life: One night last summer, Justin was in Germany for a performance,
unaware that miles away, one of his best friends was fighting for her life in hospital.
Because Justin was in Germany, he couldn’t contact anyone. He didn’t know anything till he got
back from Germany, and he had all these text messages and phone calls from his friends saying:
“Caitlin is in hospital. Pray for her. She just got into a bad boating accident and she’s lost
a lot of blood, and she might die.”
Justin has never lost anyone close to him in his family before, so it was hard for him to hear that.
He was scared, so he immediately called up Caitlin’s family, and they weren’t picking up the phone,
so he started to get really nervous. He kept calling and texting until he finally got in contact
with Caitlin’s mum. He talked to her mum for about 20 minutes and she was crying. It was tough.
Caitlin is actually Justin’s ex-girlfriend, so it was hard because she was a really good friend of his.
After talking to Caitlin’s mum, he got the whole story about how terrible the accident was.She was jet skiing and fell off, and a boat ran over the top of her legs. It hit both of her
femurs [the leg bone that extends from your hip to your knee], and she almost lost both of her
legs. She got airlifted from the scene to the hospital and she actually died in flight – she
flatlined and they revived her. Your body only has like 9 pints of blood and she lost 7 pints,
so she had to get filled up with someone else’s blood. Justin thinks she was flatlined about 3
times on the way to the hospital.
Justin flew out to see her as soon as he heard about it. She looked really bad when he saw her.
She could not speak at all. He brought her a Build-A-Bear because they had always wanted to make
one together but never got the chance to do it. He dressed it up as him – he even put a little
baseball cap on it.
Caitlin was very lucky that she survived, and now she’s doing a lot better. She’s in physical
therapy where she is learning how to walk again, so that’s good. Justin is really glad she is OK.
All the prayers helped. It seemed like everyone knew she was in hospital because he tweeted about
‘Everyone pray for Caitlin. She’s in the hospital’ – Justin Bieber (tweet)
When Caitlin was in hospital, Justin brought her a stuffed animal. Sweet mementos are his specialty!
Justin Bieber wishes he could reach out and touch all his fans who are going through tough times.
Justin is hands-on when it comes to showing his support.
He is always there to help friends, family and of course, fans in need.
‘My World’ CD includes compassion for animals
Justin’s first kiss: Imagine this: The lights are low, the music is slow, and you are dancing with
someone you have had a crush on forever. Your crush looks at you, and in that moment, he leans in
to give you your very first kiss. Sounds perfect, right? Well! That’s exactly what happnened
when Justin kissed a girl for the very first time. “My kiss is an experience I will never forget.
It was at a school dance. It was magical.”
Justin’s Nasty Haters: Justin used to be overwhelmed by the love and attention all his fans were
pouring over him, but days later, he started getting a different kind of attention, online. A
FaceBook group formed called ’1 Million against Justin Bieber’ – and the comments from haters
were frightening (from dissing his voice to death threats).
A few weeks later, a story surfaced that Justin says is still the craziest rumour yet.
“I heard I was dead.” Not just that – there were details saying he had commited suicide on July 31
2009 when he was actually alive and loving life.
“The rumour about me killing myself ha! It’s a bit weird to read a rumour that you are dead!”All that outrageous online bashing happened long before Justin even had a hit song. The more
successful he became, the more hurtful the rumours became. There were rumours that he fractured
his foot just to get more press.
This is something I do not get. What did this poor teenage boy EVER do to you? Why do you NEED to
write such hurtful things?OK! Yes! We all have free rights to write what we want. But I think there is an extent where you should stop. Why do you need to write death threats to a teenage boy who has never done anything to hurt anybody. He is just living his life and enjoying sharing his talent with the world.
Wherever he turns, the haters are armed with another vicious rumour.
This is where I am VERY proud of Justin. Though the rumours are hurtful, Justin has
learned to not let those vicious rumours bother him. He keeps it cool. There’s always people who
will try to bring you down, but you cant pay attention to the negativity.
Justin sends us a message to all us fans about those haters:
“I dont know why people hate, I try to be positive in all situations, so I stay away from hatred and realise there’s more important things taking place in the world.”
Justin hangs out with Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift, but he’s only got a crush on Selena Gomez.
Selena Gomez is one of his celeb crushes; along with Rihanna and Beyonce.
Selena admits that Justin makes her happy and carefree – she even digs his music. She has just
never dated a younger guy – she and Justin have a 2-year age difference.For now, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are just friends, but since Justin’s feelin’ Sel, it
could go further. For the moment, girls, he is still single.
Bieber on CSI!
kamu tau CSI las vegas yang ada di fox channel? naaaaaaah disitulah 23 september 2010 Justin Drew Bieber sih kecil yang tampan ini bakalan main film!!! waaaaah siapa yang ga sabar nontonnya? pasti ganteng banget dong! dia main di CSI sebagai anak bandel yang akan di kejar - kejar sama polisi setempat!! it's awesome! but wait until 23 september >.<
check this :
ema watson get bieber fever!
ema watson, pemain harry potter ini katanya dapet bieber fever!! oow, indonesia belieber dapet rival baru lagi niih ya!!! sabar aja kalo emang jodoh sih ga kemana! trus juga katanya bieber mau nge date sama emma watson! adu jujur aku sih gak rela ya. soalnya bieber cuma buat Indonesia Belieber!! ahahaha!! aku dengar dari E!News sih katanya emma watson ini suka nonton bieber saat konser. adduuuh iri banget deh! good luck aja deh buat emma watson!
Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010
bieber-selena date
beberapa waktu lalu Justin bieber dan Selena gomez sempat mengisi trending topic dengan judul "Bieber-selena pacaran" trending itu sempat menggemparkan belieber indonesia dan juga menggemparkan belieber di negara lain! pasti semua tahu kan kalo cowo imut ini di gilai 4 juta cewek di twitter! apa akibatnya kalo cewek-cewek di membicarakan tentang dia di waktu yang sama, dengan hitungan waktu topik itu akan bisa menjadi trending! tapi ternyata itu aja rumor! hanya boongan ko. ga bener beritanya kalo mereka pacaran! jadi don't give up ya guys! cause dream always come true and Never say Never
Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010
bieber hit on face
Meski insiden ini terjadi di akhir Desember lalu, video Justin Bieber dilempar sesuatu oleh penonton malah muncul sekarang dan cukup membuat heboh pengjung YouTube. Disambangi okezone, Senin (16/8/2010), video Bieber tersebut langsung menempati posisi teratas sebagai 'Most Recomended' video. Bahkan empat dari lima daftar video yang direkomendasikan di YouTube berisi video mengenai Justin Bieber.
Sejak diposting pada 2 Agustus lalu, video Justin Bieber yang cukup memalukan itu telah menarik sekira 1,105,880 pengunjung. Dari angka tersebut, sebanyak 10,259 pengunjung memberikan komentarnya.
Komentar yang masuk sebagian menyatakan rasa duka terhadap apa yang menimpa Bieber. Namun tidak sedikit juga yang menyatakan rasa senang dan terima kasih karena telah mempermalukan Bieber sedemikian rupa. Ternyata, tidak semua remaja di AS menyukai pelantun 'Baby' ini. Dalam video tersebut, Bieber sedang mengisi acara bertajuk 107,9 The End Concert di Sacramento, California, AS yang diadakan oleh stasiun radio nasional. Tidak lama, saat sedang memuji para penggemar dan penonton konser tersebut, tiba-tiba seorang penonton melemparkan sesuatu yang diduga botol plastik berisi minuman ke arah Bieber dan sempat mengenai jidat kanannya. Namun dalam video berdurasi 25 detik itu dijelaskan jika yang dilempar bukanlah botol air mineral melainkan sekantong makanan ringan dan sebuah kaos yang dibungkus dengan kertas kado natal. "Ouch! Itu rasanya tidak enak sekali," ujar Bieber usai tertimpuk, seraya buru-buru memperbaiki posisi rambut poninya yang khas itu.
check this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e50vqY7Szo&feature=popular
Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010
Jumat, 09 Juli 2010
Ke$ha get BIEBER FEVER!!
ke$ha Get BIEBER FEVER!!! oow sama kaya kita tentunya, cewek cantik penyanyi lagu your love is my drug ini bilang kalau dia menyukai justin bieber. saat di wawancarai di channel E! daily 10 news dia bilang dia menyukai justin trus juga saat di tanyai dia mendapatakan demam bieber atau tidak dia hanya tertawa dan cengar cengir saja. yaah bisa di bilang sih dia suka sama justin. trus saat ditanya lagu apa yang dia suka, dia menyanyikan "Baby" dengan gaya khasnya, yaah terbukti kan kalo dia kena Demam Bieber!! so tambah lagi saingan kita untuk mendapatkan justin bieber :)
Minggu, 27 Juni 2010
Bieber Hair FEVER!!
Bieber fever is upon us with "#JustinBieber" being a trending topic on Twitter for weeks on end. I can't say that I'm a fan of Justin Bieber's music, but I will admit I'm intrigued by the 16-year-old's hair. When Kim Kardashian ran her fingers through Bieber's mane, she started to get death threats. That's some special 'do!
The trending mop top, dubbed "The Bieber," has since been seen on football star Tom Brady, and fans have taken their opinions to Twitter:
"#TomBrady with #JustinBieber hair makes me sad. Gisele should give him his balls back so he snaps out of it and buzzes himself."
"I mean, if looking like a grown-a** Tinkerbell was the plan, who am I to judge, 'nah mean?"
"Is it really that bad??? I don't know. Maybe I just love #TomBrady too much?"
Kamis, 17 Juni 2010
somebody to love justin bieber ft usher udah keluar niih, saat nya kalian semaua ngeliat video nya, kereen banget dan juga justin nya hot bangeet looh. setting video nya juga bagus kaya lagi di api gitu, trus justinnya pake topi sama tas sekolah gitu deh, pokonya kereen bangeet deeh. pas bagian usher nyanyi nih, ushernya bareng kaya penari cina gitu, trus warna ping gitu seakan akan kaya bunga sajkura. pokonya kereen deeh. terus juga disana justin bakal nampilin gaya yang asik bangeet dan pastinya bikin cewek jatuh cinta pastinya!
check this >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOI4OF7iIr4
Senin, 31 Mei 2010
justin bieber and jsmith
OMG!! ini dia satu lagi movie video justin bieber. kereen bangeet gak bisa berhata - kata ngeliatnya ( i get a shock) okeey mungkin bagi yang belom ngeliatnya pasti berfikir lebay bnget deh. tapi i think if you see that. i'm sure you will get big bieber fever! justin nya keren banget deh pas nyanyi ( tapi di ada bagian jaden smith nya loh) kereen deh pokonya harus liat deh. jempol buat jb hahaha lol check this >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z5-P9v3F8w
and this site for lyric >> http://www.directlyrics.com/justin-bieber-never-say-never-lyrics.html
Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010
jazmyn happy birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jazmyn Kathleen Bieber! WE LOVE YOUU SO MUCH!! tanggal 29 maret 2010 ini gadis imut adiknya bieber ini berulang tahun dan umurnya 2 tahun loh ( selamat yaa jazmyn) hahah happy birthday sayang semoga kamu tambah lucu imut dan cantik. kamu beruntung pasti punya kaka kaya justin. oya justin ngasih apa ke kamu?:) check this video >> http://www.casttv.com/video/z1mdb7/happy-birthday-jazmyn-bieber-video
nih beberapa update an justin buat adiknya tersayang.
justinbieber: family is always a top priority....2day is my lil sis bday....told everyone i couldnt make it....then put on my disguise and SURPRISE!! haha
justinbieber: SURPRISE JAZZY- I couldnt let u celebrate 2 alone...even surprised my jaxon. lol http://tweetphoto.com/24739420
Jumat, 28 Mei 2010
justin bieber tour world wide
gatau sih ini isu atau bukan tapi kabarnya cowok yang imut nih mau tour world wide. addduuh assik dddong berarti dia bakaln ke indonesiaa. OMG!! justinbieber aku ga bisa nunggu niiih. ngeliat dia nyanyi and nari di depan kita semua kaya mimpi bangeet deeh :O aduuuh semoga ya kita bisa megang tangannya apalagi rambut nyaa. gak kebayang deeh :D yaudah cuma itu aja yang bisa di sampein. doain aja ya guys semoga itu beneeer :)
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
Justin Bieber Stars in New MTV Movie Awards Commercial
We all know Justin Bieber is funny. First, he dominated the Funny Or Die site and filled it with hilarious videos in his 'Bieber Or Die' takeover. Then he cracked us up in a hilarious skit with Tina Fey on SNL. Now, the 16-year-old singer has shot a promo for the 2010 MTV Movie Awards that has us laughing out loud all over again. In the clip, MTV Movie Awards host Aziz Ansari is hanging out with Justin, who is in the kitchen getting some snacks. He says MTV has given him the latest movie-watching technology: 4D. "Ready to watch The Hurt Locker, Justin Bieber?" Aziz asks the Canadian pop star. "Yup," he replies. And that's all Justin says, but the commercial is still super funny. The star of The Hurt Locker, Jeremy Renner, appears in the living room and begins acting out his scene. Justin starts crunching loudly on some chips when Jeremy says, "Dude, relax on the chips there cowboy."
Aziz steps in and says, "That's Justin Bieber, bro. People don't talk back to him." Jeremy is still annoyed and blurts, "I don't know who Justin Bieber is, alright? And I don't care." Then, Jeremy's gets a phone call that reveals his ringtone -- 'Baby.' Watch Justin, Aziz and Jeremy in action below. The 2010 MTV Movie Awards air live on June 6 at 8 p.m. ET. ( nih beritanya ribet kalo di arti in satu - satu, kalo mau cepet google translete aja ya, hahah oke guys?)
another bieber fact
Justin Bieber full name is Justin Drew Bieber
He was born March 1st, 1994 (15 years old). (source wikipedia)
His nicknames: J-Beebs, JB, Biebs, Bieber, Beebs
His mother name is Pattie
His father name is Jeremy Bieber
His dad plays guitar, and his mom sings.
His grandma was a great piano player.
His Dad remarried.
He is very protective for her lil sister.
He wants to buy a house for his mom when he has $1,000,000.
He is not into blink-blink.
He started dating when he was 13.
His first kiss was when he was 13.
His favorite TV show is smallville.
his favorite video game is nba 2k.
His favorite colors are blue and purple
His favorite food is spaghetti
He speaks fluent French
He is claustrophobic – fear of being in narrow or enclosed spaces, eg: closet, elevators
He perfers Macs over PCs
His favorite number is 6
His favorite music is R&B and Pop
His favorite artists; Usher, Michael Jackson, BoysIImen, Stevie Wonder.
His celebrity crush is Beyonce.
He likes vitamin water
His favorite drink is orange juice
He has a half sister named Jazmine & brother names jaxon
He is a lefty
He can play trumpet, guitar, piano, and drums
He likes captain crunch (with berries)
He can count to ten in German
He once asked out Rihanna and Alexa Chung (got rejected)
His two best friends are Ryan butler and Christian beadles
He once dated Caitlin Beadles (Christians Beadles sister)
His shoe size is 7 and a half
He likes sporty, active, nice, down to earth girls.
He likes sour patch kids
His most embarrassing moment is when he broke his foot on stage during a song (he stayed and finished the song, didn’t even miss a note! so proud ))
He grew up in Canada (Stratford Ontario)
He is signed by Usher. Justin Timberlake was reportedly in the running to sign Bieber.
His label is Island def jam.
He likes playing soccer.
His favorite slang word is “shawty”
He likes tacos
His favorite pie is apple
He likes to skateboard and is good at it
He loves Tim Hortons (very Canadian)
His best friends – Ryan butler & Chaz Somers
He likes blue eyes
He likes a good smile
His first CD came out in Novemeber 17th 2009
He got his first plaque at YTV’s The Next Star at Canadas wonderland
He would date anyone he falls in love with.
He is now pals with Taylor Swift
He plays four instruments; guitar, piano, drums and trumpet
He raised 150,000 lbs of food for food Bank, with the help of his fans.
Rabu, 26 Mei 2010
Miley Cyrus calls Justin Bieber her 'travel-size boyfriend'
"I have my travel-size boyfriend [Bieber] and I have my oversized security boyfriend [Hemsworth]. It's perfect!" kata miley di sebuah talk show senin. dia bilang Justin Bieber itu travel-size boyfriend nya and Liam Helmsworth itu security boyfriend. woow bertapa enaknya menjadi miley. ( seharusnya kamu berikan bieber saja padaku miley) haha just kidding. dia berbicara seperti itu saat mendapat beberapa pertanyaan. aduuh saya jelous dengannya sekarang. :)
justin bieber and glass door again (almost)
oooow justin bieber hampir nabrak pintu lagii looh, beberapa menit yang lalu dia nge update di twitter gini nih
@justinbieber :yes it is true...i almost nailed my head on a glass door again...almost.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_zUQlU6Ycw
<<> masa ntar kamu masuk rumah sakit gara - gara nabrak pintu mulu. becarefull sweetiee :) masa kamu ga bisa ke indonesia karna terluka nabrak pintu-_- just kidding :0
justin bieber secret!!
justtiin lagi apa kamu? lagi belajar ya? adduh rajinnya kamu sayang :) waaiiit! tunggu dulu kalo emangnya kamu belajar, ko malah main handphone?adduh justiin jangan main handphone, dengerin orang ngomong. wooow ternyata justin bieber sama aja dengan aku yang selalu main handphone di saat pelajaran ( waduh ketauan) hahaha justiin jangan main handphone dong belajar yang bener. emang sih kamu udah pinter tapi belajar itu pentung say. turn off your phone and study now :) okeeey sebagai cowok terimut didunia dengar kan kata mama ya . lol just kidding :)
BAD NEWS OF justin bieber!!
Bad rumoooors guys!! katanya justiin bieber (cowok terimut ini) marah - marahin wartawan trus ngasih jari tengah ke orang trus blah - blah blah!! IT'S LIE!!! itu cuma bohongan ko, tidak perlu dipercaya. kalian tau kan berapa banyak oraang yang cinta sama justin berapa juga orang yang benci sama justiin!!! itu tuh cuma trik biar justin bieber di benci orang - orang. itu cuma berita bohong yang mau ngejatohin nama justin bieber. kalian pikir deh apa alasan justin untuk marah ke wartawan dan ngasih jari telunjuk? . selama ini dia selalu tersenyum kok kalo di wawancara!! ok for yang ngebuat berita palsu ini. maaf saja yaa! justin bieber orang nya gak kaya gitu!! :P setuju?
Selasa, 25 Mei 2010
soulja boy and justin bieber "Rich girl" song
21 may 2010 soulja boy and justin bieber have a new song "rich girl" lagu itu mereka nyanyikan bersama ada bagian soulja ada bagian justin. woow pasti keren ya justiin nya ga sabar mau denger jadinya tuuh. okelah guys neeh kalo mau denger lagu nya dari youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gqAuMX8Mj4 and kalo mau listen download disini >> http://www.4shared.com/audio/JFWg8v3A/NEW_SONG_2010__Soulja_Boy_feat.html?cau2=401w
justin bieber get jelous with taylor lautner
justin bieber cowok umur 16 tahun ini jelous dengan taylor lautner? wow ada apa ya? karena cewek? ternyata bukan! justin bieber iri sama badannya taylor lautner. aduuh justiin something wrong with your body? justin mau treatment pronto nya taylor lautner yah mungkin justin mau punya badan kaya dia ( jangan justin nanti gak imut lagi ah) yaah pastinya kalo justin punya badan yang mirip taylor dia ga akan imut lagi. setuju gak nih kalo bieber badannya kaya taylor? kalo aku sih ga setuju. jangan ya bieber badan kamu udah bagus ko.
justin bieber on wales
justiiin bieber konser di wales tepatnya tanggal 22 maret lalu, oh tidak beratapa berntungnya belieber disana bisa melihat idola imutnya bernyanyi diatas panggung. dia bernyanyi babiy dan juga menunjukan cintanya disana, lihat saja tangannya tuh . heey aku harap suatu hari dunia bieber juga akan membicarakan tentang "justin bieber big tour to indonesia!!" OMG!! bener - bener gabisa bayangin bangeet deeeh bisa ngeliat diaaa nyanyi de depan ku nanti, heey yang di wales, kalian sangaat beruntung -,- bantu indonesia doooong yaa? okeee dee nih check aja video nya guys >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJHagEdqJ8g
justin bieber see something?
oww justn bieber yang sangat lucu ini kenapa yaa ngeliatin nya serius bangeet? something wrong swettie?. yaah pasti ada sesuatu kan kenapa ngeliatnya sampe kaya gituu. ternyata kamu memang lucu yah terpesona nya sampe begitu banget haha. bertapa beruntung nya cewek itu diatin sama justtiin, aku jugaa mau. apa yah yang membuat justin tertarik? ayoo jawaab justiiin kenapa kamu sangat serius ngeliatinnya, tapi kalo misalnya aku yang disana kamu tetep ngeliatin ga? (sepertinya tidak) -_- huhuhu. tapi tetaaplah justiiin is the best. LETS BRING JUSTIN BIEBER TO INDONESIA!!
jasimine justin? or caitlin justin?
justin bieber, caitlin beadles and jasmine villegas? yeaah mungkin kalian akan bertanya kenapa ada mereka disini? yeaah pastinya kalian tau caitlin beadles dong! dia kan mantannya justiin bieber dan dia juga merupakan kakak dari christian beadles. banyak cewek yang iri sama dia pastinya. karena mereka selalu bersama-sama saat masih pacaran dulu. kalo jasmine villegas pasti kalian tau kan cewek yang menjadi model di video baby and eenie meenie ini di kabarkan dekat dengan justiin, pasti kalian juga iri dengannya. dia mendapat ciuman justin bieber loh di behind the scene nya baby, aaah tidak saya iri dengannya!!. kereen kan!! dua cewek dalam kehidupan justiin. tapi saat di wawancara justiin tidak menanggapi kabar itu, dia bilang dia hanya teman dengan jasmine. untunglah sebelum aku berteriak karena cemburu kalau dia bilang ada hubungan dengannya.
justin bieber and ryan butler
justin bieber dan sahabatnya ryan butler, mereka itu deket bangeet yaah bisa dibilang group petemanan lah. ryan juga temannya christian beadles loh, yaah sering ko mereka jalan bareng ke suatu tempat. atau terkadang mereka juga menghabiskan waktu bersama dengan bermain kerumah justin, atau menghabiskan waktu ke beberapa tempat. yaaah enak ya menjadi ryan bisa bareng justin bieber teruus, iri deeh coba kita bisa jadi temen deketnya justiin, yaah berharap saja justin bakalan membuka lowongan teman akrab? hahaha just kidding guys :)
justin bieber and his type of girl
justin bieber berbicara tentang type cewek yang dia sukain, OMG!! inilah saat- saat yang paling kita tunggu. katanya dalam wawancara sebuah majalah dia berkata tentang type ceweknya " aku tuh menyukain type cewek yang memiliki senyum manis, mata yang indah, berkepribadian bagus dan juga aku menyukai wanita yang memiliki selera humor tinggi" dia juga menyukai cewek yang down to earth. dia juga selalu ingin membuat first date nya bersama pacarnya sangat berkesan,(pasti berkesan lah soalnya udah ketemu jb aja udah berkesan banget, iya ga guys?)!! open it >> http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=RLuOQP-Byjg&feature=channel
Minggu, 23 Mei 2010
justin bieber somebody to love remix with usher
pastinya kalian udah tau dong lagu somebody to love nya justin bibere yang ada di my world 2.0 yaah tentunya lagu itu pasti dikenal sama semua belieber di indonesia lah. ya siapa sih yang gatau tuh lagu, keren abis kan lagu nya. yaaah bentar lagi videonya juga mau keluar ko. tinggal tunggu aja. TUNGGU dulu, inti berita ini th tentang justin bieber somebody to love remix! yaa beberapa hari lalu lagu remix nya with usher itu keluar, ternyata disana usher juga ikut nyanyi, OMG!! suara usher enak bangeet cocok sama suara justin bieber yang masih rada imut itu. pokonya kamu juga bakalan suka deeh. download in here guys! >> http://www.index-of-mp3.com/download-Justin_Bieber-_somebody_to_love_Remix_-_-fsnK4nMQVF2.html
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
justinbieber vs glass door
justin bieber nambrak pintu hottel, adduu kasiiiaan kan, pasti sakiit tuh, sabar ya justtiin jangan seddih, lain kali hati hati gausah di dorong pintunya, kamu mau nya cepet - cepet sih jadi kejedot kan ? tunggu aja ntar juga kebuka sendiri. hahaha tapi kamu tetep ganteng o :D becareful sweettie, don't forget your not a ghost, you can't break the glass :) kalo mau liat videonya disini yaa >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxSeCKwz-jw dan yang lucunya lagi sebelum itu justin bieber nge tweet ke kita semua biar nge unfollow tmennya dankanter biar followers nya 0 selama sejam aja. dan beberapa menitnya justin bieber kejedot deh, dan yang lucunya dankanter langsung nge tweet "dankanter: @justinbieber It's okay, I don't get mad... I get even!! Although I think walking into a glass door must have been karma haha!"
Kamis, 20 Mei 2010
justin bieber on american idol
justin bieber tampil di american idol, pada saat namanya di panggil para wanita langsung berteriak - teriak. dia tersenyum saat itu dan menyanyikan 2 buah lagu dari my world 2.0 yaitu u smile and baby. awalnya justiin hanya berdiri dan bernyanyi sperti biasanya, saat lagu baby dimulai dia menari seperti biasa dengan sangat lincah di atas panggung itu, lalu saat lagu baby mulai berakhir dia berlari ke arah drum, mengambil stick drums and memainkannya. para fans nya pun berteriak saat melihat nya, bertapa kerennya dia saat itu, tak bisa di bayangkan :) check this >>http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=cEMD6k3uIwU&feature=related
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